It’s the ITEC 2025 conference in Birmingham next week, once again bringing together thought leaders, innovators and professionals to exchange new ideas and forge new partnerships.
Ahead of the event we contributed to a blog produced by the Housing Learning and Improvement Network : a dynamic community of over 15,000 housing, health and social care professionals across England, Wales and Scotland.
The blog coincided with the publication of the Telecare National Action Plan by the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology, setting out measures to support providers of supported and specialist housing as they prepare for digital switcover, expected to take place by January 2027.
We were invited as a supplier of technology enhanced housing and care services – and a member of Housing Lin - to share our views on the Action Plan and the proposed measures to ensure digital readiness across the sector.
If you’ve not read it, the Action Plan recognises the potential that the new digital era can bring revolutionising the way that telecare is provided across various settings – from single units and grouped schemes in supported housing to extra care housing and helping people to stay independent in their own homes.
It also explains that those who provide support need to take appropriate safeguarding actions to ensure digital phone switchover doesn’t impact the safety of those in their care. That starts with making the right investment decisions to upgrade systems for the new digital world.
In the Housing Lin blog, Peter Kerly, VP Group Sales and Marketing, highlighted the importance of digital investment for reliable assisted living, commenting:
“At Everon we have literally been sounding the alarm for some time at the lack of urgency by some in the industry toward digital switchover and the necessary investment to safeguard those in their care. With this action plan in place, our hope is that housing providers who have delayed their investment decisions for whatever reason, will now put their trust in the future and make the right calls.
“The window for action may be closing fast but it’s crucial even at this late stage that housing providers embrace the potential of technology, recognising the benefits of innovative, data-driven solutions now on the market. That means steering clear of products that are digital in name only and analogue in delivery.
“This not a time for ‘elastoplast’ solutions which will fail to meet the challenges that many providers face and are not going to disappear come January 2027. It’s vital that those providing support for assisted living invest their finite resources in systems that will benefit the wider health and social care ecosystem – easing pressures and reducing costs for the long term.” To read the blog ‘TAPPI days – A Telecare National Plan for Action’ in full, visit the Housing Lin website. To start a conversation about how we can support your organisation, come find us on Stand 11 at ITEC 2025 or book a free consultation today.